Yeah, if I owned the chain I'd make all employees go through MacDonald's training.
Also, any employee with a pierced tongue would not be re-hired until they could clearly enunciate "Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers..............." at 250 BPM.
Also, speaker demonstrations would be expanded to include material other than just Death Metal. Also, seperate restrooms (and guitar sections) for paying customers and out-of-work musicians just hanging out.
Also, a sign warning of pedophiles should be posted in the digital piano section to discourage "stage moms" from bringing in their annoying little weirdo/prodigy brats to audition the pianos (and impress the rest of us mortals).
Lastly, there should be some comfortable chairs for us "older" customers to sit in while we wait for one the three "salesmen" currently selling "Sid Vicious" a set of guitar strings. The fact that we're there to spend several thousand should count for something, shouldn't it?
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]