My trip to Guitar Center in Memphis was only slightly better. The sales people were nice enough, but tended to "talk down" to me because at my advanced age I couldn't possibly know much about gear. I found they didn't know anything at all about arrangers, or the Bose sound system. That's o.k., but they tried to make me think they DID, and it took about 3 words from them to let me know what was up.
I suspect these young guys are not making a lot of money and obviously have not been trained adequately.
In the "old days" a local store had enough profit margin to hire, train and KEEP qualified sales people. Internet marketing is a two-edged sword. It's great to keep the prices down, but that results in a lower level of dealer support, at least in many cases.
I suppose the answer is a hands-on dealer like George or Frank who runs a small enough operation to deal directly with customers. There are unfortunately few of these stores left. It's not really convenient for me to drive 2000 miles for a demo, so I stop in Guitar Center when I'm in Tulsa or Dallas or Memphis if there's something I want to see that I think they might have in stock.
I've learned that when the salesman ignores me that's a GOOD thing. I can check it out myself and not feel obligated to buy. If I like it I can go home and order from them or from somewhere else and save the sales tax at least.
My shopping priority is first to check availability with my local dealers. If they have something in stock, I'm even willing to pay a little extra to get it locally. Usually they are happy to sell to me at a great price because I am a "center of influence" who others see using the gear in public. Unfortunately they have about 11,000 guitars and 30 keyboards, one of which might be a low end arranger.
Then I check the dealers who post here and are always so willing to help us even if we are not their customers. Then I check the big guys like M. Friend, Next Day or 1,2,3.
If I want to buy something that I have NOT seen, of even if I have seen and have not had time to really check out entirely, then the 30 or 45-day option to return with no restocking fee and no questions asked is invaluable.
Right now I'm waiting for George to get a couple of items that he has ordered, even though I could get them at the same price somewhere else and not wait. Why? Because he's a good guy and I'm not in a hurry ... yet.