If you can get past the keys of the Yamahas (I do and lots of people in this forum is ok as well, ask Scott Yee), then Yamaha is a no brainer IMO.

I tried PA80 for a week and got frustrated with the navigation (look, I own arrangers for 17 years, all different brands) and KORG is by far the most confusing. I owned KORG i30 for 3 years and disliked it intensely. Yamaha is like a breath of fresh air (although I owned it beforehand as well). Just go to GC and bring it home , only you can decide. If you don't like it return it within 30 days. For expensive item, I would not take a chance of not being able to return it. You will not know its fault unless you play it for 2 weeks no matter how many people say things to you !!! Only you know what is important for yourself.