I respect everybodys opinion; what I feel is :

2100-Easy menu and direct access / PAxx-??2100-good voices and well preset EQs', and other OTS / PAxx ?
2100-very good styles with auto fill-ins and multipad stabs etc / PAxx ??
2100-comparitivly bad key feel, smaller keys, / PAxx ??
what is the reliability factor, support, freebies, paid extras ,cost Vs. gain, re-sale value.

Also IMO people who use arrangers are probabally those who have moved on to keyboards but have been other instrumentalists earlier, like guitarists perhaps. Not the kind to have grown as a pianist or played weighted keys all along.I believe that an arranger should do what it is supposed to do ARRANGE well. Since MIDI is available it wouldnt be so hard or costly if a weighted keys keyboard(basic piece) is hooked up to the arranger so that the purpose of the arranger is served to the fullest and the player is happy !!
Just a thought coz key feel is a personal preferance that I respect....(i would not want to play a guitar that has a gap of 1/2 inch between the strings and fretboard !!).

Like I said ...arrangers are ment to arrange and lets compare arrangers for what they are supposed to do..

Thanks again to all... I appreciate your replies and respect your opinions...

Best regards everybody