Originally posted by GlennT:
Scott & Pro... Since the MS-KP is best positioned at an upward angle, is the sound dispersement not dependant on ceiling height? In fact, would some of the effect be lost in a room wigh a very high ceiling?

No... and let me clarify what is going on with the KP's: they have a built-in stereo phase inverter that is called a "stereo expander" or sometimes marketed as a "3D Spatial Processor". You can find these devices in lots of places, mostly as add-on units for home and car stereos. It is an aural trick - by variably reversing the phase of the signal the sounds that are normally panned towards the center are panned to the outside and vice versa (you must hear it for this not to sound like gibberish). The sound "expands" when this happens and it actually sounds like the speakers are invisibly being moved into a wider field of separation. Too much of the effect sounds like you've moved the amp into another room altogether. Room acoustics will not have any real impact on the effectiveness of the expansion.

Originally posted by DNJ:
Lately a "Mine is Better Then Yours" aura is in the air, or maybe its my imagination.
I think this is a misperception, especially in this case where Scott was not comparing his new KP to anyone else's speaker or amp choice. I chose the larger KP-200s but I don't think Scott takes offense when I ask him if he's missing the bass that my amp seems to have in abundance. He would if I dropped it on his foot maybe! I am getting great ideas in the "Budget Studio" thread where several people have posted pictures and comparisons of their equipment in the spirit of learning from one another, with no one-upsmanship even in the least. Some ideas simply ARE better than others and if I can learn from anything from anyone here, I am the better for it.
Jim Eshleman