Hi Rikki,

Let me first explain that you don't need to do any drum conversion to match your kn7. When you have GM mode selected as device type in the settings menu then OMB will apply techniques to get the proper drum sounds.

The drum conversion tool that I described previously was developed to convert drumtracks in styles that originally use non-GM drumset like the arabic drumsets on various keyboards. The XG drumsets are (extended) GM drumsets. The way OMB deals with that in GM mode is really as good as it gets. Both in real-time as in sequenced midifiles.

The reasons that I suggested Frank to use this tool to convert styles are:

1. He uses another real-time arranger that doesn't do any modifications for non-XG devices.
2. He uses non-GM banknumbers.
3. He wants to apply conversion techniques that are more specific.

In my view it is an illusion that there could be an automated way for that (point 3). Many styles were converted from other keyboards with drumsets that are different from XG drumsets.
