Jos, who am I to argue with you.
You might try two examples and play them on a Yamaha PSR or XG wavetable then try them with the OMB on a GM Wavetable to hear the difference I am talking about:
9000 Pro Swing2.sty
9000 Pro BigBand1.sty
You will notice a large difference (from the drums only) even with all the editing you suggest.
Yes, ignoring those styles that do not work is one alternative - almost all of Yamaha 9000 Pro/Tyros styles! I have the ability to use this alternative and have used it from time to time over the last 25 years. Yes there is less problems with styles converted from other keyboards, e.g., Korg & Roland. It was for this reason I checked with Fran to see whether there was a feature within Styleworks to convert Yamaha to a lowly SMF/GM format.
I am mostly concerned with the drumkits and not in general the other panel instruments of PSRs or the Tyros. I have far better voices in my wavetable and these are easy to select. It is just the drums where I am looking for a better solution. Even this is not urgent. sYnerGiGS does an excellent job at this point in time.
I am looking for a high quality solution even if I have to do it myself - oh well. I thought I would give this a try - that's all!!!
Thanks Jos for all your assistance. I value your participation.
[This message has been edited by Frank L. Rosenthal (edited 11-22-2003).]