I was not going to comment on this thread...but what the heck..
Since I have not played the G70 yet, I was refraining from commenting on this keyboard..
But let me say a few things..If the G70 sounds exactly like a VA7/76..I will be thrilled with the sounds[I already know that the engine is more like the Fantom].
If the G70 has the same goodies from the DisCover 5 [Covers and Vocal harmonizer], I will be thrilled with the features..
If the G70 has the same VK organ engine[like the VR760], and it does, I will be thrilled again..

Put all this together with the feel and quality of the G1000...I will be thrilled to high end..
Some of the post surprise me..but most are from people that are stuck[I mean own] other brands..They are use to poor sample waves buried in effects[some very good effects], but still overdone...Strip the effects and listen too the Korgs and Yamahas..you will hear the real quality[or lack of it]..
Personally the only manufacturer that has better sounds than Roland to my ears[partially deaf in one ear], is Ketron..the X1 and the SD1 still amaze me[especially bass and drums]..
I am so tired of listening to the other guys built in fake vibrato in to the sounds[without control]..As mentioned by another, Roland has the Ace of spade with the aftertouch control..

Many have said the early G70's had too much effects on the presets[maybe they thought they had to sound like the competition]..but. the latest version release has corrected the presets..

For those that think the styles are useless, maybe your ears are worse than mine..

Roland Fan,If the G70 sounds like your Va...that's a good thing[3/10..come on]..maybe you were having a bad day..

There are also a few die hard Korg guys that think a little work in setting a keyboard to your taste is out of the question...You guys got to get away from the Korg PA 50 and play an SD1[and I an confident the G70 in a masters hands will do the trick]..

George has already stated a complete reversal of appreciation for the G70 with the new release[compared to his initial impression]...and George is not just interested in selling his stock[the REAL TRUTH}..

When I do finally get a chance to spend time with a G70...I will tell you my findings good or bad....but knowing the G70 is a collective ensemble of Roland's top products...I know it is good..

Just play what you like, but if you don't know for sure about a product..reserve your opinions , not to mislead someone from even trying it..

No dis respect was intended, although it might have sounded like it...

I can't wait for my chance to play this "crap" keyboard..

PS: The reason Roland always states the 16 lineral..because that is how the competition is measured..and size does make a difference...You may still get a poor sample even in a large wave, but it will be a lot more rare than getting a good sample wave from a very small wave size.

[This message has been edited by Fran Carango (edited 05-18-2005).]