Hi everybody!
As a few of you might remember I had my mind set to get the G70 also but hesitated for a few months. I tried it two times in the music store and once at a fellow member of the Dutch forum. I was not fully convinced at that time to trade in my Technics KN6500. I was still "in love" with the great looks and the suberb keybed of the G70 though.
Anyway, I tried it again when the 1.10 OS version was available. This time I didn't feel the need to switch of the FX button with each sound. I simply sounded GREAT.
To make a long story short, I got a good deal on trading in my KN6500 and have the G70 in my house for a week now.
I can only summarize my experiences with my G70 as very positive. It has by far the best sounds of every arranger I previously owned and as such is a great improvement over my KN6500. The styles seem to be very usable in practice. It took some time to get used to the way the fills and intros/endings are handled, but I feel comfortable with that now.
Some voices that really impress me are:
the Blown AltoSax and some more saxes, almost all the guitars are really great, the acoustic piano, the electric pianos, the harmonica, flutes, organs, pads and the vocals.
The realtime controll with the sliders is very nice and the way it handles midifiles is also good. I immediately found my way around on it so the OS is very intuitive, particularly when you consider all it's possibilities and features. Allthough I think it is more user friendly than the Korg PA1X-Pro I also think this board is not for the "faint of heart".
I have a lot of fun with it. And no, I am not going to post MP3's. I consider myself too much an amateur for that. My music is only to bother people at home ;-)
Tom NL
[This message has been edited by Tom NL (edited 05-19-2005).]
Tom NL