Must agree with you Captain, loaded these styles up with drooling anticipation only to feel disappointment, the styles seemed to be flooded with reverb and were raw and unrefined although some of the 'One touch' settings were good.



Originally posted by Captain Proton:
I really don't get it.

I have downloaded these styles as well, but they sound extremely 'keyboard'ish compared to my PSR 3000's preset styles.

In fact, it is my opinion that almost every PSRTutorial converted style sounds terrible compared to Yamaha's preset styles (and believe me I have tried a lot of them).

I would never consider using them for a performance or something like that, they sound very amateuristic.

I don't want to insult the people who converted these styles. I know how hard it is to tweak styles for other keyboards and I could not have done any better myself. But the fact remains that these styles simply don't sound good on keyboards that they weren't made for.

So are all the other people that like these styles simply being polite to the people that converted these styles or do they really think that they sound good?

It must be my ears or something.

Looking forward to your replies.