Starkeeper, you are making me sweat! This feels like a test. If I don't get it right I fail. Oh well I will give it a try.

Yes, you can use your PSR550 as a controller keyboard.

Yes, you can send program changes from your PSR 550 provided you have midi implemented on it. I think you do.

No, you can not send changes in fills, variations, endings or Intros using the buttons on your PSR550. Here is where a longer keyboard (76 Note) is better you can program the bottom octave to do that.

Yes, you can attach expression/volume pedals to my Roland A37 (Roland EV-5 or FV-300L expression pedal). Yes, you can control your lead/melody voices with such pedals. All these attached devices and other program and control changes can be stored in 128 Flash ROM locations. These are then there each time you turn it on and you don't need batteries.

Yes, you are right it is not a good thing that something seems to have happen to LiveSynth Pro. Hopefully someone else will pick up on it or others are going to jump in and take up the slack. If this does not happen then we are into selecting something like VSampler 3.0 and adjusting the drum banks from 16256 to 127 for each style. It is not the end of the world. I could do it but I would rather watch grass grow or the weather channel. SeerMusic may present another alternative in 6 months or so. There are other alternatives just they don't work as well (Bismark BS-16, Audio Compositor, Orion Sampler, Sample Farm ( ), etc.). In addition, one could also use Music Companion (good), Evolution Sound Studio ProII (good but few styles), Jammer Live (if those guys ever get one out for Windows Xp). So there are alternatives - not to worry!!!

The barebones minimum for a Laptop - hmmm?

If you want to use the voices of the PSR550 then all you need is:

Live-Styler or OMB & a midi cable ($30)

If you want to generate a new sound different from the PSR550 and you are happy with the sound quality of the LT sound chip then you will need:

Host/Wrapper ($100)
LiveSynth Pro ($70) or alternative
sYnerGiGs Wavetable ($20)
Live - Styler ($30)

The next step would see significant improvements in sound quality, namely:

In addition, to the above you would need something like Kontakt and premium voices (expensive), a Firewire Hard Drive and Soundcard (expensive).

So Starkeeper there you have it. If you need more information just let me know and I will see if I can find it.

[This message has been edited by Frank L. Rosenthal (edited 09-16-2003).]