Again..., sorry I hi-jacked your thread. My frustration is also due to the amount of work I've put into helping some local stores "attempt" to build a keyboard department. Getting in the lower end arrangers, and even some high end synth-workstations wasn't hard to sell to the store owner.
However, everytime I tried to introduce the idea of a high end arranger.., man it went south fast. It wasn't shot down at first mention, but once the store owners saw what the dealer prices would be to them, and what they'd have to sell them for--well I'm sure you can figure out the rest.
GEAR: Yamaha MOXF-6, Casio MZX-500, Roland Juno-Di, M-Audio Venom, Roland RS-70, Yamaha PSR S700, M-Audio Axiom Pro-61 (Midi Controller). SOFTWARE: Mixcraft-7, PowerTracks Pro Audio 2013, Beat Thang Virtual, Dimension Le.