I think the problem is not the arranger KB its the people who KNOW how to play them & the upcoming people who are not replenishing , learning how, or even want to with all the alternatives to make music out there with a barrage of competition which the public is ever getting use too with the likes of Karaoke, DJ's, everyone & their mother who thinks they can sing artists, etc etc etc . Plus, the great music of years past is which in my opinion will be around way after we're all gone isn't mainstream so less people listen to it vs most of the crap on every channel. Im glad I was able to be around in an ever changing gradual musical influence joyride for the last 40 yrs of performing which makes it mush easier to go with the flow & keeping within the reaches and the pulse of whats going on to make a living as a KB artist & definitly way beyond versus a new comer who doesn't even know who the Beatles are let alone Harry James, Sarah Vaughn, Al Hirt or Connie Haines... man in this game ya gotta find your slice of the pie and take hold of it big time ....otherwise someone is gonna Eat YOUR Piece if you blink your eyes



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And HUG Someone tight Everyday....
You'll Feel better afterwards