Wow! Those specs look mighty intriguing!!
Kudos! to Roland for giving such a generous amount of internal storage memory at the tune of 50MB! That is really a welcome sight for sore eyes!! Finally a Keyboard manufacturer who has listened to the pleas of Keyboardists desire and longing for a decent amount of internal storage memory! It makes the Tyros 3.3MB look very paltry in comparison.

But with all that internal memory there is no way to load WAV, AIFF, or AKAI samples unfortunately.
Also, notice that Roland has given the G70 "16 bit linear" ROM samples. Yamaha's WAV ROM in their Arrangers are only sampled at 12 bit including the Tyros. So the G70 should sound very lush and very good with the higher quality sampled ROM. But unfortunately they didn't include a Digital I/O to go with it.

SRX expandability is a truly welcome sight but why couldn't they have added more than 'one' slot?? A little skimpy if you ask me but a welcome sight nonetheless.
A Touch Screen has been confirmed but using the G70 for live use may prove to be a rather challenging undertaking.
76 Keys is soooooooo nice!! I'm sure the Keybed will be luscious to play on! Roland is noted for their outstanding Key action and feel. Plus they should be true full-sized Keys too!

Although looking at the pic of the G70 leaves me with a little uncertainty if they are indeed really true 'full-sized' Keys.

We shall see...
Also the Adaptive Chord Voicing (ACV) seems to be more in line with Yamaha's extensive Chord recognition implementation on their Arrangers. Hopefully this means that the G70 will recognize and implement complicated and extensive Jazz chord voicings (rootless or otherwise). Extensive Chord recognition on Yammie Arrangers is a major reason I purchased the Yamaha brand instead of from one of the other manufacturers. This could change with the introduction of the G70 from Roland. Hopefully other manufacturers will follow suit. Although I am not certain Rolands Adaptive Chord Voicing (ACV) is what it is, or what I think and hope it is.

And lastly but not least is the weight matter. Notice that Roland did not put the weight specs on the spec sheet. Does that mean they don't have a 'fully' assembled proto type built yet? What we are seeing in the G70 pic is perhaps just a 'shell' of the production model? No guts, no finished proto type yet? So no way to list the weight specs...
Or perhaps Roland is still seeking ways to reduce the finished production model's weight hence the reason they didn't list it in the spec sheet? Perhaps a newly discovered composite material has been made available which is super strong and "super light" and Roland is considering utilizing it in the new G70?

The Roland Fantom X7 (76 key version) weighs only 32 lbs. Will the G70 be at least in the same ball park as the Fantom X7? If it is they will sell a boat load of them for that reason alone IMO.

If it weighs in at 25 lbs. or under, it will indeed be an amazing feat by Roland if it does.
Best regards,