It's funny how these leaks just magically happen, and why any manufacturer would wish someone outside of their company posting prerelease information on a pubic forum is beyond belief, and why anyone would defend such an action is amazingly poor judgement.
My whole point is this forum and a very high percentage of its posts are behind the times, with little desire for revolutionary products. Some members seem to get excited that the G70 has a colour screen, like we didn't get colour TV back in the 70s or computers in 1981 that used colour.
The real deal is that due to the cost of developing these keyboards and because compared to computers, keys sell in far fewer quantities, the manufacturers have to use technology that is several generations behind what you would find on the latest PC.
The workstation of the future (including arranger features) will probably be a 'dockable' LCD touch display with few buttons and 99% of features accessible from the display. The keyboard serving as a dock, which you could add sound expansion boards to.
Just ideas, but these are the type of features that would be excellent, rather than shelling out 2 and a half K every 2-3 years for 'upgrades'.