Originally posted by miden:
hi hellboy,
polyphony was only really a problem when i was playing in full piano mode, but only with a relatively dense arranger style...

afaik drum loops can be sampled and used in styles and midis, but be aware that these are saved as user sounds, and if you also tweak effects to go with them, these cannot be accessed via external midi devices...they need to be edited and then saved within the PA sequencer.only having 2 insert efx for midi/style and 2 for live keyboard was an issue, particularly if you wanted some overdrive on your guitars, but wanted some, say, Lo-FI on a keyboard track, you couldnt do it and have reverb/chorus as well..
...the way its set up you have efx A+B for arranger/midi tracks and C+D for live keyboard tracks, and either set cannot be mixed.

another thing that might interest you, as you seem to be wanting to use the sampler more than i did, it is quite slow at loading, too slow imo, for live gigging...

.PLUS you usually have to unload samples before loading new ones, ie you cant load indiviual samples, and have them all resident...i believe on the PA there is a way to compile your samples into a set so that you can have a few available at the same time, but this is still restricted by the 32mb...i remember buying the Piano Assault from Irish Acts, which took up all the ram, one instrument!!!


I'll be playing along to SMFs or even MP3's so I'm hoping that "helps" with the polyphony - I really hope that Korg's Algorhythms keep the drums (DEFINITELY THE KICK DRUM) going, as really, that's the most important thing.

I think I'm getting you re: FX.
My wife plays Electric Guitar (rhythm) so guitars aren't REALLY too much of a problem there.

Re Sampling memory I did expect the long loading times (what Arranger has fast sample loading times?) but I did NOT know you had to UNLOAD samples as well...

I understood there was at LEAST a couple of options regarding the PA1X piano:

1. At least one other sample set I've heard of takes up minimum Ram (about 16 meg I remember reading??)

2. Eq'ing the piano for more middle and bass "depth".

Finally I planned to get around any FX/Sampling Problems by recording some particularly sample intensive sequences internally in the PA and saving as an MP3 and then playing along with that MP3 live...

Do these all sound like reasonable workarounds to you?

(Thanks for your detailed reply btw - you guys here on this forum - and the Korg one - are my only hope - remember I cannot see this keyboard "in the flesh" to audition it properly as no loacal stores carry the PA1X Pro Elite...)
God I hate signatures.

