No software has been released. The promised dates for Karma MW have passed, so it remains "expected soon". However, this version only works with the Karma Keyboard attached, so it won't do Bluezplayer any good.

Karma Creator is the full blown version that is to work without a Karma Keyboard attached. I expect it to retail at $299. Mac and PC versions will probably be released at the same time. I doubt it will be released this year.

Not many people appear to be using the Karma keyboard live. In fact, I consider the external power supply to be somewhat of an embarassment on stage. More people use it as a compositional tool or crutch. In fact, some use band-in-a-box to generate chord progressions which are used to trigger Karma patterns--and the results can get pretty good with a little tweaking in a sequencer.

Bluezplayer mentioned that a moderator emailed him suggesting he become more active or leave. It was Stephen Kay himself who did the emailing. He emailed all those who selected the "web-only" option for the KorgKarma group. Many opted to leave the group as bluezplayer did. I would think at least some of them might have become more active at a later date if they had not been urged out of the group. I think this is just one example of actions by the inventor that hurt Karma sales.