
Yahoo had nothing to do with the purge. They want bigger numbers. Stephen Kay indicated ahead of time that he would suggest inactive members leave the group. Somehow he felt that, by reducing the group's membership, he would reduce his workload.

I do not think you are missing much. There is very little interesting information that would affect a purchase decision anymore. By the time Karma Creator is released, there will be little need for it. Just as you no longer need Sonic Foundry Acid to manipulate samples, you will no longer need Karma to manipulate MIDI effects as both these capabilties are being integrated into sequencers. This will relegate the Karma to a niche market, rather than a market-leading position.


P.S. KorgKarma membership is now down to 1479, so a further net drop of four members since I posted the first message and a net drop of 49 members since membership peaked.

[This message has been edited by Clif Anderson (edited 06-07-2002).]