Hi guys
I've a Tyros for 7-8 months.Music is a hobby for me now.I try to play songs i like and make some simple compositions.But i've serious plans for the future(i'm in highschool).
I don't know if it was a good decision for me to get a Tyros.I don't play live, so the styles are not very important to me.Here is what i'm confused about.What are the differnces between arrangers and the other keyboards(not built in style, i don't know what you name it).I'm curious about which one is proper for me.For exemple; what are the advantages of having a Motif ES in comparison with Tyros?What would i miss if i had bought a Motif ES?I'm not a professional yet, but i want to use the keyboard which sounds most realisticaly.I really like Tyros.But i would be happier if it has sampler and digital out.

I'm not planning to sell my Tyros for now.I just want to understand that who really needs an arranger or who doesn't.
See you