
I use my Tyros2,)before it was the PSR 3000 also (for now) the Korg PA60, and I have 2 PA systems, the large one has:
Stand Quik lock M-92 for the Keyboards.
2 Sm112 V Yamaha
1 EMX 312 sc
1 KCW1 Roland active subwoofer
and the smaller one :

Another M92 quik lock
1 KCW1 Roland active subwoofer(yes, I have 2).
The Crate TV 100 package system, that has 2 active speakers (8 inch 2 way) with the stands, and 8 channel stereo mixer with digital FX, I was very surprise, sounds VERY good in this combination.....like the T2 speaker system, only in Steroids.....!!...maybe better.
I use the smaller set up for Restaurants, and small halls.

With the biger one I have performed for up to 500-600 people, of course, I have stands for the SM112V,the audience(some of them), compare my sound with my very friendly competitors.....and people seem to like my sound much better.
In fact, I have recomend similar set ups for my friends/coleages, and so far, 2 of them, did listen to my sound system, and got a very similar PA.