Originally posted by Fran Carango:
Scott that slider system with up/down buttons is terrible. I would think by now Yamaha would use real sliders..You paid enough for a Tyros2 to get some quality.

Like I said earlier in this thread, I think Yamaha's system goes ONE BETTER than physical sliders alone because you're able to SAVE your settings (in REG) 'on the fly' if you wish. As far as toggle button operation vs sliders: on Tyros2, you have the option of press & holding the upper/lower toggle button to raise/lower levels, clicking the button to raise/lower level incrementally, or utilize the Data Entry Wheel. Having these THREE options available makes 'on the fly' adjustment of STYLE and/or PANEL Parts really easy during LIVE PERFORMANCE. Another asset is that you're able to see on the COLOR LCD screen exactly which PART you are adjusting. On a darkened stage, my experience has shown that with a physical slider system only, you're not able to visually see which ONE of the 8+ sliders you're wanting to adjust.

As far as your attack regarding Tyros toggle button "quality", having owned & playing Tyros1 for 3 years straight, I never once experienced any problem with toggle button operation. Tyros2's toggle button design is the same, so I expect no differently.
