I have a few T2 questions.......
Im trying to remember things from my otter Yammy kb's?

Are they now shipped with the latest OS Ver or does it have to be uploaded on their website?
Are registrations Saved in the same manner as the 3k was with the extra step to save to memory so you dont lose your Reg upon powerup?
Can you save Multipads to registrations?
Are there new Multipads then 3k/T1?
Can you transfer/save lyrics as text files/or to bring up during style play with reg?
Can you use the black MS 50 Yamaha 3 pc speakers with T2 if you attach brackets if possible?
What can you do editing wise with the USB connection from T2/PC?
Can you play Mega voices & S Art voices in real time?
How much better is the Keyfeel then T1/3k?
Is the Vocalizer the same as the T1/3k?
Are there L/R AUX Inputs for eg: Laptop or Mp3 player etc ?
What improvements were made to the Music Finder?
How is the HD recorder? Multi track?
Does anyone have the upgraded RAM chips is ther a noticable difference?
What size HD do you suggest is there a size limit & is access slower the bigger you go?
Well thats it for now.....
& thankyou in advance for any replies.
[This message has been edited by Dnj (edited 04-29-2006).]