Originally posted by Dnj:

Are they now shipped with the latest OS Ver or does it have to be uploaded on their website?

It ships with the latest OS version available at the time of the specific keyboard's production run. Most recent & subsequent OS Updates are easily downloaded from Yamaha's website.

Originally posted by Dnj:

Are registrations Saved in the same manner as the 3k was with the extra step to save to memory so you dont lose your Reg upon powerup?
YES ! The last reg bank file called up is automatically saved at power down and automatically loaded at next power up.

Originally posted by Dnj:

Can you save Multipads to registrations?
Are there new Multipads then 3k/T1?

Yes; Yes

Originally posted by Dnj:

Can you transfer/save lyrics as text files/or to bring up during style play with reg?

YES to both questions. Better yet, it's possible to call up a different lyrics txt file for each individual reg button, of which means you're able to call up lyrics for just the specific section(s) of the song that registration was intended for. It also allows you to know which reg (verse, chorus, bridge) to go to next.

Originally posted by Dnj:

Can you use the black MS 50 Yamaha 3 pc speakers with T2 if you attach brackets if possible?

Yes. You can order the T2 satellite brackets separately from Yamaha parts, but be prepared to pay an exorbitant price. I opted for the T2 MS202 speaker system, and replaced the Yamaha T2 satellites with a pair of Bose 161's which mount nicely (and look terrific & ideally sized) on the T2 satellite mounting brackets, and sound FAR SUPERIOR (161's providing clean highs & smooth mid-range). With this setup, the 161's plug directly into the dedicated Satellite speaker inputs on the far right/left back of Tyros2 eliminating the need to string about extra wires required for those standalone subwoofer-satellite systems. I utilize this setup alone now for all my small gigs, reserving my EV PA system for larger venues, reserving the quick release bracket mounted Bose 161's for personal on stage monitoring. Speaker setup time: under 45 seconds.

Originally posted by Dnj:

Can you play Mega voices & S Art voices in real time?

Even though a couple of people have perhaps been able to succesfully do this in, the mega voices were not designed by Yamaha to be played live on the keyboard. Super Articulation Voices were specifically designed by Yamaha to be played live in real time.

Originally posted by Dnj:

Is the Vocalizer the same as the T1/3k?

No! A new keyboard tracking feature has been added: lower, upper, auto. I'm finding the T2's vocalizer very good-excellent. When I first purchased T2, I experienced some problems, but after making proper adjustments, including setting keyboard tracking from 'auto' to "lower" (to better match my baritone voice), my T2's VH now sound clean and distinct. Even though I own the TC Helicon Voiceworks, I rarely use it for live performance now.

Originally posted by Dnj:

Are there L/R AUX Inputs for eg: Laptop or Mp3 player etc ?

Yes. I play break music (via iPod) thru my Tyros2 this way.

Originally posted by Dnj:

What improvements were made to the Music Finder?

1) Music Finder no longer automatically pops back to first record when you leave MusicFinder Window.
2) Music Finder now allows you to store/call up a specific intro 1, 2, 3
3) Unforunately, request for Reg Bank files to be called up via MusicFinder, and accessiblity to custom styles located on HD or remote media have not (yet?) been implemented by Yamaha on Tyros2.

Originally posted by Dnj:

How is the HD recorder? Multi track?

Stereo (2 Track) per take , with unlimited overdub tracking possible

Originally posted by Dnj:

Does anyone have the upgraded RAM chips is ther a noticable difference?

Adding RAM chips has no bearing on the keyboard performance speed. RAM chips are used for storing audio voice samples. I installed 1 GB RAM, but probably never needed that much because no audio samples are available to fill that capacity. If I had to do it again, I'd probably would have saved some $ simply puchased 2x128= 256MB of RAM.

Originally posted by Dnj:

What size HD do you suggest is there a size limit & is access slower the bigger you go?


Ok Donny, because I believe all your questions have already been covered on other treads & forums, if you need more in depth answers simply perform a search on this General arranger and the following arranger kb forums:

Synthzone Yamaha Arr Keyboard
Yamaha PKowner Forum
Tyros2.Net Forum
PSR Tutorial Forum
SVP World

Ok buddy, the REST is up to you. Good luck. - Scott

[This message has been edited by Scottyee (edited 04-29-2006).]