I understand everyone's concerns, but being realistic about this topic...., it's not going to change.

Society changes throughout the years--some for the good, some for the bad. We all know that. The way I was raised is different from the way children are raised today. We have babies having babies more each day.

The entertainment industry is nothing like what it used to be. They'll do "anything" now for ratings to boost their profits. Hell musicians are encourged to get "arrested" at times because once they're released on whatever petty charge it was... their ratings top the charts. Sad huh?

Do I think the lyrics on this particular song are vulgar? Absolutely, but it falls into the hands of the parents to control (within their limitations) what their kids hear and see.

Once our babies are out with their friends we can only hope they use good judgement based on what we have taught them. We all raise our children differently as well. Again we live in a different world now. Both Mom and Dad want a career, and a family. You can't have both without letting things slip on the other.

Because Mom and Dad both want careers, our kids are left to be rasied by daycares, babysitters, and sadly television and video games. Kids don't go out and ride bikes and play games like they used to. Years ago there were no video games, the internet, and such vulgar tv and radio programs. Kids then played outside until the street lights came on--then it was home or your got a lickin

Look at what I do... I am an "At Home Dad-a homemaker"! How different is that compared to the norm? I was raised that at least one parent stays home and takes care of the family--and it doesn't matter who works, as long as the bills get paid.

Being in my position I'm able to monitor and take interest and what my child sees and hears. I wish other parents were that way, but again it's a changing world. Mom and Dad both want that job, again you can't have both without the other suffering, because parenting is also a full time job

What can you do ya know?

[This message has been edited by squeak_D (edited 07-03-2006).]
GEAR: Yamaha MOXF-6, Casio MZX-500, Roland Juno-Di, M-Audio Venom, Roland RS-70, Yamaha PSR S700, M-Audio Axiom Pro-61 (Midi Controller). SOFTWARE: Mixcraft-7, PowerTracks Pro Audio 2013, Beat Thang Virtual, Dimension Le.