Believe it or not, even at 65 I can appreciate a good beat ... I even find some hip-hop stuff interesting ...
But I still will continue to have a problem with lyrics like this ...
Words are only words. If I lived in another country, a slang word meaning feces or the sex act or whatever might have totally different acceptance. Just because of the society I was raised in. So, words are not as big a deal to me as they are others.
This is true ... in some countries (Ireland for one) f***er is a very commonly used word ... but it is not generally accepted here ... and that's part of the point - we are HERE ! ...
I find it very annoying and disturbing though that they bleep out words or rather omit them altogether in radio edits.
(If you would do that with an Eddie Murphy movie it would be a silent movie!! )
One difference is that someone is SUPPOSED to be monitoring who enters an 'R' rated movie ... there is no monitoring who is listening to the radio ...
Funny thing is this "I LOVE RAP AND HIP HOP"! What's funny is I often find that I could care less about lyrics with so many of the songs. It's just the beat that gets me going. If there as an instrumental version of a Hip Hop/Rap album, I'll buy it.
That may be true of you and some others, but these kids know EVERY WORD ...
You know, I appreciate the well-articulated comments from Tony, Squeak, Fran and others. And don't forget the humor (the reference to our parents and Elvis).
It says something about this group and some well thought out concerns for future generations, our family members and the human condition in general.
Very true ... a good discussion with differing opinions, but no "I'm right and you're wrong"
Good stuff guys ...