How it all began...

Thought itd be nice to know how we got started so here goes my story...

My dad, not a musician at all, thought itd be a good idea to get me an organ. Mind you, a Bontempi is hardly what I would call an organ but thats what he got me. Then off to the local music shop for lessons on a two-manual/bass pedal organ. I cant say that I progressed a lot since I didnt have such an organ at home so I was given a similar organ, a Hohner. Now I could finally practice and I would be found playing for hours each day. The organ became my life. Shortly after I enrolled at the Music Academy where I stayed for six years and majored in Classical Organ and Harmony. It was not because I had an interest in Classical Organ but I recommend it to everyone whos serious about playing the organ and would like to develop a good technique. Judging the left-hand playing technique of many players I am happy that I endured those six hard years of endless exercises.

My hero was the late Klaus Wunderlich and later on Franz Lambert, Curt Prina, Andre Brasseur, Jimmy Smith and many others. As for gigging, I played in a couple of bands for several years, mostly weekend gigs (weddings, anniversaries and the likes) but gave up when I joined the Armed Forces and later on started traveling the world and I eventually wound up in the Far East.

My weak part is technology. I have never been into tweaking or Midi as my main interest was just playing but I will go into that eventually. Frankly speaking, it scares the heck out of me for I have no idea where to start but, who knows, I might eventually make it. Sadly, I no longer own an organ but a keyboard. Still, the draw to the organ remains as strong as ever so I will always see myself as an organ player first and play the organ again some day.


[This message has been edited by Taike (edited 03-08-2007).]
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