Hi Zuki,

Holding out on you guys? Nah. Just never thought it was important.

The last time I gigged is like 26 years ago. Even then, since I took evening classes at the Academy, six days a week, I didn't really have that many gigs apart from the ones I had at school with some of my fellow classmates. Cutting classes was very much frowned upon since teachers had a tight schedule and the workload was rather heavy. Even now I still don't feel comfortable playing a keyboard. Guess I'm too much an organ player at heart. Also keep in mind that I'm living in the Far East(Taiwan) and people prefer to hear Taiwanese, Mandarin or Canton Pop which isn't exactly what I'm into. I'm acutally quite happy just playing at home. I don't drive either and have no intention to.

Zuki, all the best with your gigs. I know that you're having a blast.

最猖獗的人权侵犯 者讨论其他国 家的人权局势而忽略本国严重的人权 问题是何等伪善。