I've had my g70 for about a month or so and I have a few questions. I think there are answers at least I hope so.

I'm still looking for a good 4/4 ballad for songs like "After the Loving", "At Last" and so on. I'm tired of these brush ballads that come stock on the g70. Something you can dance to.

When I do "Mustang Sally" a break button would be nice. Is it possible to get a break without hitting the off switch?

When I turn on the drawbars I get some preset sound that is not to my liking. I have to turn off the overdrive leakage and percussion to get it to sound good. How do I get a setting I like to be there when I turn on the drawbars?

What style would you use to do "Sweet Home Chicago"?

I'm looking for a good shuffle for "You Don't Mess Around With Jim". Can't find a stock one.

How about a style for "Midnight Hour"?

How can I use Intro 3 and have style one play after the intro?

How do I prevent the One Touch buttons from changing the left hand parts?

When I up the drum volume on a style that setting seems to carry over to all styles selected after. How do I prevent this?

Can I copy parts of a style to create a new one?

Has anyone found the cover feature useful for anything?

Can Leslie effect be added to some of the organ sounds that don't have it?

Sorry for all the questions.

thanks in advance,

