Tom, reading your post only makes me smile that I sold my G70. I had many of the same questions and asked them here and at The bulk of the answers suggested I read the manual. That, of course, doesn't help does it. I decided that I really needed to understand the Roland OS before attempting any sound or style modifications.

I can say that most of your questions can be answered by making your own registrations or editing those that are there. Make sure you have a memory card and save all your stuff there.

I can say that I found the COVER feature useful, but only a couple of them. There certainly is no for a dozen. I used one on the first page and another on pg. 3, I think.

I found the drawbar ssection to be a handful. I know what you mean about calling up sounds that are in need of tweaking. The experts will tell you to edit - gee, thanks guys. I did not like the fixed setting on the vibrato/chorus and there is no way to change them.

In all, I really liked playing the G70 a lot. But, now that it's gone all I really miss is the 76-note keyboard and the Fantom X piano. Sorry I couldn't be of more help. Truthfully, Fran Carango was most helpful and so was Diki.
Riding on the Avenue of Time