Fran, I am surprises you find the G70 overkill for your live jobs...

Personally, my G70 is my go-to rig for ALL calls short of main studio work (and even there it gets the nod for the piano over my K2500). Primarily, I want a one keyboard rig, and only the G70 has the combination of killer piano, Rhodes and B3 (while not as good as an XK-1, it is still the only thing with ALL these sounds THAT good in the one keyboard) plus anything else I need at my fingertips.

Doesn't the B3 in the E60 drive you nuts once you are used to the HB section in the G70..? For me, it's well worth the extra 15 lb. or so...
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!