Originally posted by Uncle Dave:
"indisputabley better" ??? And that's a Fact? No roon for bias or preference?
Sheesh ... who ARE you?
Of course it's subjective.


What I was saying is that in my subjective view, it is not subjective ...

In other words: to me, the Korg sax to Yamaha sax is like comparing a Dihatsu to a Jaguar - you're free to prefer the Dihatsu but I don't get it... (Switch the example around for Yamaha's pianos, bass and drums.)

That said, I hold most everybody here at the SZ in high esteem, no matter whether they agree with me or not, and enjoyed the debate in this thread.

PS: I notice that a lot of people take offense when people write like I did, and I've noticed others posting a disclaimer saying "this is only my view and others have a right to disagree" when posting what they feel might be controversial.

I guess the reason for this is to prevent some of the immature fighting that goes on here at the SZ from time to time. But as adults we should be able to have these kinds of conversations without anybody getting offended by someone saying that "my keyboard is the best, and nobody can disagree"!