Hi Rikki and others,
I cannot but wonder: BIAB 2008 happens to use for the first time not only Real Drums but also Real Guitars for their backing parts, so I ask: is there any similarity between the two systems? And, could it be possibile to load (or at least convert) BIAB loops inside the Audya?
This is not a secondary point, because, as all BIAB aficionados know, there are already many styles made available by PG Music (and more will no doubt be released in the future), so these would be excellent news for all those worried with the Audya "upgrade-ability".

Korg Kronos 61 and PA3X-Pro76, Roland G-70, BK7-m and Integra 7, Casio PX-5S, Fender Stratocaster with Fralin pickups, Fender Stratocaster with Kinman pickups, vintage Gibson SG standard.