I consider the top of the line arranger keyboards to be "Pro" keyboards..not because they they do all the work for us...but they give us choices ...the way we want to use them...

To me ..the arranger is the finest keyboard available..I do not want another work station keyboard [the name implies all we need to know...you have to work at getting a finish product..let alone pulling off something "live"]..For me, and especially my board of choice, allows me every possible method to choose..be it for performing, writing, or just having fun...

These "pro" keyboards can be played as stand a lone instruments..and work in any band situation [without lacking quality sound]..and are great as left hand bass, drums and piano for our trio "Jazz " feel...
Instruments as the unit I play, also gives me a great drawbar organ [with draw bars]..

These "Pro" arrangers give us all the benefits..MP3/wav playback and record[Korg and Yamaha]..SMF playback and record with "super " editing {Roland}
Mic inputs/ and harmonizers that have no equal [Roland, Korg}..

How can any one with hands on experience not agree with us...They are great "pro" keyboards..that allow us to produce at any level..

Don , you have my AMEN too!!!