Boy oh Boy, this is like the Democratic Primary. You'd surely better watch every word you say. For instance; I made the mistake of using the words 'expensive toy'. I meant it in the same sense as when referring to a Porsche Carrera, TOTL Zero Turn Mower, 50 bottle Wine Cooler, Ducati Motorcycle, Trophy Wife, 70" Plasma TV (in the media room, of course), iPhone, Arranger Keyb.....whoops. But of course that was enough to launch the loyal opposition into attack mode. Ease up, guys. It wasn't meant as an attack on your...scratch that, OUR precious and irreplaceable musical tools-of-the-trade. Seems no matter how one tries to explain oneself, there is always someone around to parse out one word or phrase, no matter how innocent or obvious the true intent, to rally the troops in a holy war against the infidels. By golly, I think it's high time that we sent out missionaries to spread the word about arrangers and convert the thousands, nay, millions, of heathens who have not yet been touched by IT'S grace. And why the hell not? After all, it IS an Arranger forum, right?


BTW, I just gotta stop spending so much money on things I hate.
"Faith means not wanting to know what is true." [Nietzsche]