Originally posted by Lucky2Bhere:
To be honest, I'm not sure what you're talking about. What I wrote about MIDI file usage was a blanket statement about whoever "leaves the machine just running." I'm not even sure of what YOU posted about your own musical performance regarding MIDI files. Feel assured my writing had nothing to do with you.
You wrote: "I've been away...) I was all set to reply with great vengeance and furious anger etc etc, but I won't"
Why the defense system bigger than NATO? Is it possible I hit a nerve?
"You wrote: Re-read Diki's reply to your post - says it all and says it eloquently."
Please don't preach to me. I've been entertaining on stage longer than many of you have been playing. I don't believe I got to where I am by not knowing what I'm doing. And I learned a long time ago, to have convictions and state them as I did here.
You wrote: "I've just realised that you may have thought I meant only PLAYING the Midi file - i.e. singing Karaoke style over it. I actually play full 2 handed parts with solos and change instruments (if appropriate) and sing as well as I can (which unfortunately ain't too well *heh*) during each song."
Repeat: I don't even know WHAT you posted, but if you "play full 2 handed parts with solos and change instruments" and "sing as well" then you're doing more than many OMB's do these days. Good for you!
You wrote: "I hope that clears things up for everybody."
I write: "I hope that clears things up for everybody."
P.S. You might want to consider a name change. That's a very agressive moniker!
Lucky the "Great Vengeance and furious anger" line is from the Movie "Pulp Fiction".
The rest of my post, considering your earlier inflammatory (in my view) post was quite restrained.
I took offense because you previously stated in no uncertain terms that using SMFs "strip you of your creativity", blanket statement or not (and it sure WAS a generalization) I am one of those who is "stripped of my creativity" I guess, as I use SMFs for 90-95% of my playing.
As someone who works very hard at what I do, and someone who uses SMF's VERY deliberately (for a LOT of reasons) I didn't appreciate and certainly didn't agree with what you said and what you went on to say.
I've read other threads recently, and come across other posts of yours and you've said more than once "someone said" this or "someone posted" that - which is fine, we don't all have the time to go back and find out who exactly posted what everytime, but when I mention a specific point, I (try to) remember who the original poster was, as it gives me some background as to why that poster said what he said if I have a strong disagreement (or agreement) with it. I feel it's just polite - but again, not necessary.
Nevertheless calling things a "blanket statement" doesn't rob people of the right to respond anyway they want - to the point being raised, particularly if they feel it affects them, which, in this case it CERTAINLY affects me.
Scroll up and you will read:
"It’s all about “ego,” isn’t it? I read and observe a lot (even when I’m entertaining) and one recurring thing I noticed is that when someone says something or writes something (here, there….anywhere), even if it’s a good idea someone else will feel they have to offer an opposing view or a “superior“ rebuttal to show that they are much smarter…even if they disagree with their OWN view! I’m not sure why this happens but it’s called “the ego takes charge.”
I do it too and I have to catch myself regularly or I’d be here forever posting my thoughts (I don’t write as well as you guys do so it goes slowly for me).
I got into Science of the Mind many years ago and this is what they teach you. How to run your life, your career, even your wife “more efficiently!” The point being that if you can override that ego, there’ll be room for positive info going in and out of the brain, such as the “exchange of musical ideas.”
Look up and you will see I quoted you as saying:
"Please don't preach to me. I've been entertaining on stage longer than many of you have been playing. I don't believe I got to where I am by not knowing what I'm doing. And I learned a long time ago, to have convictions and state them as I did here."
Well you're free to have convictions AND state them wherever you want, but that's REGARDLESS of how long you've been playing and entertaining, (and yes, I'm sure you've been playing much longer than me).