Originally posted by Vadim:
Long time ago I was using just preset styles,
than I started making my own styles, and strted sequancing songs/midi.
now I don't use styles, I record songs/midi from scratch.
That's cool, Vadim, and it is so neat that we both have used styles and recording from scratch, although from different directions.
I went from recording from scratch to performing using styles...I prefer styles for "live" play which is my main focus nowadays.
I'm not very interested in recording, although I still do a bit...mostly for my own enjoyment, or for friends.
Styles let me play the same tune in several different ways...depending on my mood, or perhaps the venue I'm playing.
Recording from scratch has it's advantages, but I'm too busy having fun(and too lazy as well) to be doing that at present.
Glad to hear you're still playing and enjoying your music.