Originally posted by Diki:
I can't honestly see the point in DJ-ing

Well Diki you really gotta face it, there are audiences out there that simply don't want to hear musicians play to them and that includes you. It's sad but very true. And if Lucky can entertain them as a DJ well so he should if he can make good income doing it. That only makes good sense.

Occasionally the classic rock cover band I play with plays a club where we are followed by a DJ playing hiphop and rap. About 30 mins before we finish the audience roll in for the DJ. We know they are just looking at us waiting for us to leave the stage so the DJ can start. We don't take offense at that we know that this simply isn't our audience. It's nothing to do with musicianship at all. That audience doesn't want to have musicians entertain them.

It almost seems that now younger kids are more likely to enjoy a live band than 20-30 year olds that have been brought up on rap and hiphop. Every generation likes to rebel from what the previous generation liked.