Diki....please!!!!! I swore I wouldn't do another post for six months but you pulled me into this one!

Step back a second and look at what I'm actually saying. It's NOT about trampling on my music career (or even on YOUR music career) and becoming an outlaw DJ.

I didn't want to go into this but it's the only way you'll understand what I'm trying to say to you.

I am a Born-again Christian (about 20 years now). When I was in my 20's and old enough to be cognizant of things, I realized one day that (even before I was Born Again) God gave me everything I needed to be a fine musician! A tremendous love of ALL music, great dexterous fingers, the ability to play different keyboards, understanding of chords/progressions, etc, incredible memory, innate rhythm, a good baritone singing voice (but 15 years later), quick wit to interact with an audience, an easy to interact with personality, a great sense of humor, emotional sensitivity that comes out in my songs, stamina and determination to practice almost every day of my life, and more. I didn't question my calling. I just did it. But I also realized that even though I have very good chops my job is to ENTERTAIN people...however I have to do it. Do you think I just strolled into DJ work? NO...it was tough, but God saw I was willing to continue His work and He helped me again so I could entertain His people again. I consider myself a tool of God.

Now we ALL have our own calling. I just happened to be aware enough at an early age to discover MINE. Truthfully speaking, I'd give anything to sit at home and play the piano more. I love the piano. I could play all day and night (and sometimes I do). I play Classical music, standards, International, ragtime, tangos, Strauss…I play everything but heavy jazz and folk. But I'm good at most every style and I spend time practicing every style...I never get bored with my playing because I‘m so versatile.

So do you honestly think now that doing DJ for me is a choice? It's recognizing what God put me here for and why He gave me those talents (including DJ). It’s been a good life for me, playing all these years…..working at what I love doing. I thank Him every day for that!

I’m going to end this here because this is NOT the type of stuff you put on SZ. I’ll leave it up for a few days and then I’ll edit it out!

But I really wish some of you fellows would stop butting heads on everything that gets said here on SZ. I mean like….you’re all incredibly knowledgeable about equipment and I love reading your “reviews” on different instruments. But, as Scott said before, don’t you think the time spent on all this stuff would be more productive if we talked about the music itself? Remember: “A House Divided Against Itself Cannot Stand” (Abraham Lincoln).
