Well, Scott, that's interesting...

Is that a fact or a speculation that he did the backing track himself? You have first-hand knowledge?

It's not that I care one way or the other, myself. I have a mixture of commercial SMF's (but they always have to be heavily edited, anyway) and original tracks for myself, too. And a fair number of them start out with a 'capture' of the arranger doing the tune, then some stiff editing to make them work better. So does that qualify as 'me' doing the sequence or not? It doesn't matter one bit, as far as I am concerned

But I like to see the correct credits (if they are given out at all), rather than simple speculation. To be honest, a guy as busy as Baartmans is, you would think he would have little time to sit at home and work on tracks... Lucky guy!
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!