the reason that I wil not post new demos are that:
A) I sold the ALL MS available here, the prototype too, with the OLD 24Mb analog mixer board, that I have then to replace.
B) I have here working ONLY 2 mediastation, one MS X-76 PRO, where we develope the OS with the all souce code, I can not use for make demos. One MS x-76 expanded for testing the new ISO OS, just to be sure that the OS is full working.

C)Untill I get the all new hardware production for the X-61 and X-76, I will not pressing for sell nothing or then I continue get request when..when..when...we still have a lot of backorders to delivery.

D) untill I'm ready with the new production, we will continue develope new features and features..coming soon also the new HV vocalist 6 voice, based on linuxsampler engine...someone there just saw the shoots.

When I have the mS ready again, we will post totally new demos, with the ASIO support and Audio-midi styles.

I have clients have too.
How have the MS, they know that sounds good, then we work also for the totally new styles, don't worry.