Ok...maybe we can try to look the MS in a different view...
Realistic and statistic....
What are right now the TOTL arranger keyboards possible to sell well worldwide?
Yamaha T2, S900, then the new T3, then?
Roland G-70, some E serie and?
Korg PA800, PAX...then?
Ketron SD5...then?
Statistic, about the only 1-2% of the all available keyboards are arranger, all the remain keyboards are synths and small workstation.
This is also why Roland seem not continue develope the new TOTL arranger, because the field is so small.
Exclude also the MS...because we dont have good styles demos....
Now remain about the 90/98% of this keyboards that are only synth and workstations....
The MS X-61 for a list price of 2400 Euro=3600 USD, can really simple cover this all field, because with the integrated support of ASIO, VST and Qranger Audio-midi Multitrack full API integrated on the MS panel...can kill this all Synths keyboards!
Read the old post about the Oasys...who told that only the Native Instruments Massive and one more VST can full compete with the all Oasys sounds? ( not my words...read it)
In the MS now we can install the full NI package Komplete Synth and MUCH MUCH more.
Oasys 16 tracks SEQ can NEVER compete with the unlimited audio -midi tracks of Qranger, plus the support of the chords change and Elastique Audio. Do not forget the GIGA straming system..
I think now you can understand where I will arrive...is not the 1% of the arranger field that is interesting me, BUT the whole area.
Buy one keyboard and install the all sounds that you like and not just some couple of sounds...
You MUST to be free to install in your keyboards the all sounds, media, RAM, CPU..., how and when you want, without dependence of the manufacture.
4000 USD hardware upgrade...how many VST and ASIO host originally you can buy??
The MS must looking like a nice and complete musical PC, you go buy in the store and then at home you make the all what you want.
The PC must fast working with a stable OS The manufacture of this PC must give the full support that the basic OS system is working.
there is totally different, you buy the keyboard and then you continue stress the manufacture to add new features, RAM, Sampler, USB 2.0....this is totally ridicolus..there you have only to waiting a new hardware upgrade...
think the difference and enjoy what you play.