If Yamaha made NO 76's or 88's, you'd have a point.
But, obviously, they DO realize there is a LARGE market for arrangers with this layout. However, their internal divisions have already got this covered, albeit with FAR inferior arrangers to the T2 and S900. But rather than shake up their little fiefdoms of internal market share, and actually give the customers what they have been screaming for for years now, they prefer to stick to their antediluvian product models, no matter HOW much the scene has changed.
Their internal politics has stripped them of an opportunity to deal a blow to their competition, and I am sure Roland and Korg and Ketron are very grateful that Yamaha is so inflexible...
Believe me, if Yamaha thought there was NO market for a 76 arranger, they wouldn't make DGX's. The trouble is, those are POS arrangers compared to an S900, yet alone a T2/3. It's not that Yamaha can't make a 76, it's that Yamaha can't make a GOOD one...