Thanks for your answers.
Of course a 76-key Tyros is welcome, but I meant only for the voices that uses that range. I hardly use those voices so personally I am reasonably happy with the upper range I have now ... untill I play the "organ" of course. I used to play "the Cat" (Jimmy Smith) but I need more keys for that, so I scratched it from my repertoire.

If you want to play piano (not just the voice with accomp. but as an instrument) 61 keys is totally insufficient. 76-keys is just OK. I seldom use the piano voice so for me that is no problem. I am not a pianist anyway.

But I did forget about splitting the upper range in two separate regions, which on a Tyros is more interesting than on my PSR3000 (Right 1-2), because the Tyros has an extra voice (Right 1-3). You DO need more than 61 keys to fully make use of that. I often play voices that sound terrible in the upper region anyway, and a split wouldn't leave enough keys for another voice. But (as 'abacus' suggested for the keysplit) you can use presets for that.

BTW thanks for that instrument range. But it is not just the range of the instrument, because Yamaha didn't sample every note of that range for every instrument, that is an important thing to consider when playing a voice.

As for the left side of the board: I could never use all the chords I play in one octave, fi when I play in Bb. Even if it is possible it is not always logical. It is very strange when you hear a chord go up, while you go down on the keyboard.
Chord inversions sometimes use a different bass-note which I don't want. Sometimes I use inversions just to have the bass react differently, sometimes that works, sometimes it doesn't. Chord inversions are necessary anyway, also when using C - f# as the left key range.

I agree that everyone has his own style of playing and therefore different needs. But 76-keys seems on the top of the list for some people.
For me the Multipads are on the top of the list. It is really hard to program them and I think few people do use them as a sequencer like I do.
On this webpage of my site
some examples what I do with multipads and a few of my songs.

[This message has been edited by drdalet (edited 09-08-2008).]