I have been reading with great interest the threads about the Bose L1...

I have been looking at the system for some time now, but the cost has been a deterrent, but some are becoming available second-hand so I am revisiting the idea.

Trouble is the opinions or just general comment is so polarised it makes it very confusing.

Add to this I am over 600k away from the Bose dealer that Hellboy suggested (at least I think it was him!!), because they will send you a demo system, but in my case they won't because it's too far!!

I am currently using a pair of EV SX 300's running stereo through a Yamaha P3000s as tops and a big sub box driven by a P5000s in bridge.. (yeah I am a GREAT believer in "headroom" LOL)

Trouble is this system, especially the sub at 38kgs) is getting to be too awkward to fit in the old magna station wagon, especially with the size of the "new" keyboard.

I am looking for some advice/ non-polarised opinion or links to other sites on whether the L1 would be a suitable replacement and other related data/advice.

I play some originals, contemp country, CCR, JC, ND, most of the usual Oz pub rock songs (Hellboy would know what I mean) and a sprinkling of ballads. I use mainly smf's (tweaked like you wouldn't believe, I'm almost fanatical when it comes to smf's) and the occasional style, although with the new axe, I might be turning a lot of the smf's into styles .

So if anyone has suggestions/ideas (keep em clean ) I would appreciate it if you could respond.
