Originally posted by hellboy44:
Gain Staging is of paramount importance.
Run your Master volume at a decent output so you don't have to push your individual Channel Gains/Volumes.
I wish I had more detailed advice but I'm not familiar (enough) with the Model 1 to give you expert help.
I must say though, use the Bose forums - especially their "find" (search) function for any topic you need.
If you can't find help on THOSE forums for any problem you might have, there's something wrong...

That's the second person to mention the gain staging, so it's something I will pay close attention to, thanks Hellboy.
This really is a different beast to the "normal" PA setup. it's all rather exciting really.
And those Bose forums are great. It was because of the information I found there, and the great help from you guys that really made a difference in me deciding to go for this system.