G70 is 'close' to the VK8 (debatable - a friend has one. WAY more balls vis a vis distortion than the G70)... A VK-8 is 'close' to the XK-1 (again, debatable - I felt the Leslie and Ch/Vib and percussion on the XK-1 streets ahead of the VK), and if 'close enough' is OK, it's great. In fact, for my live use, yes, it's close enough.

BUT... as you know, I do a reasonable amount of session work, and playing something 'close' just doesn't cut it...

You keep adding those 'close's' up and soon you are nowhere near 'close', and if I already had an XK-1, I certainly wouldn't be trading it away and just going with the G70.

BTW, in the studio we tend to use a Mk2 Korg CX-3, sometimes run through my Motion Sound top, sometimes just direct. If I could get that sound out of my G70, trust me, I would be using that!
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!