The trouble with the MS is that the CONCEPT is twenty years ahead of us, but the EXECUTION is twenty years behind.

Cutting edge design, tied to sounds and styles fit for a Casio!

Is that what you really want? Because, the way I see it, hardly anybody here does anything at ALL to their arranger, other than maybe going out and finding some new styles or converted styles on the web, and usually discarding those that need any significant work to sound good...

You pull it out of the box, you switch it on, and you PLAY IT...

Maybe change some OTS, some key layouts, that's it TOPS.

The MS, you are going to have to do EVERYTHING yourself. Find the styles. Make the styles. Voice the styles. Create a whole VSTi soundset for the arranger. Balance them all against each other. Learn Linux. Learn loop slicing. Buy, or create your own loop libraries.

After all that (and more), you MIGHT be able to get it to sound as good as a PA2Xpro, or a T3, or a G70.

You MIGHT....

So far, Dom certainly hasn't, and he designed the thing! What are YOUR odds?
An arranger is just a tool. What matters is what you build with it..!