But chas, what does this say about purchasers of MS's?
Are they ALL terrible players? What are the odds of that?

Or perhaps, only terrible players would buy an instrument based entirely on the hype and specs, despite ALL the terrible sounding demos, on the assumption that in THEIR hands, magically they will transform it into the best keyboard in the world?! To be honest, I don't really see a true pro going that route.
If the factory can't make it sound great, if none of it's owners can make it sound great, who in their right minds has a sufficiently large ego to think that THEY are going to be the first to do so? Certainly not me, and I perhaps have more experience with VSTi's, editing styles and computer based production than many on this forum. If the manufacturer themselves can't get it right, who can? What's the last instrument you ever heard where the factory made TERRIBLE demos, all it's users turned out lousy demos, but it turned out to be a great keyboard?
I can't think of one.
You know what would shut me up permanently? A great arranger demo on the MS... Something along the lines of the T3, PA2Xpro or Audya stuff. When I hear it, all this will change. Until I do, I prefer to assume that what I have heard IS what I will get. I have no idea why anyone else would think differently. I assume that if I buy a T3, it will sound like the demos. If I buy an E80, it will sound like the demos. If I buy a C1, it will sound like the demos.
Why does the MS get a free pass..? What is it about this product that makes people suspend their disbelief? Because, after TWO YEARS of them being out there, if they really WERE that much better than the demos, somebody by now would have posted SOMETHING. People are posting decent stuff on the T3 WEEKS after it's release. Two YEARS, and nothing...!

I guess I am simply too old for fairy tales any more

Apparently, there are plenty on this forum who still believe in Santa and Little Red Riding Hood.