Look, the only way this gets turned into a pissing contest is by knee jerk members jumping in and going 'how DARE you ask these kinds of questions? What gives you the right to doubt or even speculate about things like this? Surely you should just drop to your knees and worship at the feet or Ketron...'

Oh, and my personal favorite... 'Who even CARES about the difference between different chords - if I can't tell the difference between a C6 and a C69, how DARE you?'

As if anyone else is likely to buy one either...
I guess some people don't like their little daydreams punctured by reality...
See, I think the difference must be that I actually EXPECT an arranger to play a C7#9 when I do. Or a Cmin(maj7). Lord knows what all these apologists (this must be a first... fanboy defenders of an arranger that nobody yet owns, and even fewer have played!) expect.
But I guess it simply demonstrates what this forum seems to be all about... All out camped warfare between defenders and critics of our favorite arrangers. Of course, again I have to point out, no-one even HAS one to 'defend'. All I have tried to do is get a straight answer to a salient technical question (salient to all but those who don't even CARE whether the arranger plays the chord YOU played!) from the manufacturers and representatives (seeing as how they are here, posting) and somehow, there are members here who feel duty bound to leap to it's 'defense'

I just don't get it... Doesn't anyone else give a damn whether it plays the chords you tell it to..? I can tell you one thing without the slightest doubt. If my Roland could not play the chords you ask it to, at least Ian and Donny would be all over it. Or a Korg. Why is the Ketron getting a free pass..?
Aren't you all MUSICIANS? You really don't care about what chords the audio plays or not...? Damn! You must be Ketron's target demographic after all...

[This message has been edited by Diki (edited 01-26-2009).]