Boy you guys are really hammering Ketron, I mean the thing isn't even finished yet, so give them a break, or you may just chuck away the greatest developement in arrangers yet. Shure, I have lots more questions b4 I may buy one, and it wont be without a hands on tryout, so give them a go, if you guys were as hard on Yamaha and Korg, wow I can only wonder how those keyboards may have improved till now, maybe thats it, we all need to put the torch on the other makers as well, at least I'm seeing and hearing more Ketron than I ever did with Korg, and Yamaha b4 a release to this point. Remenber they are not even in most countries for sale yet, so hold out there until you try it for yourself, and no keyboard is perfect remember that, I think that Yammy and Korg have learnt how to hide the flaws better!!!